Shakti Rising
The Energy Goddess
Hello. Welcome.
I am Ashaya, the Energy Goddess.
I help people to use channeling and energywork to support reality, the micro and the macro, individual and collective, for healing, ascension, or for expansion and manifestation.
Supporting the Collective to step into our power as Empowered Creators.
Helping the expansion/growth of our human potential, stepping into our unique frequencies, blue prints, siddhis, as the Higher Self in Human Form.
Igniting the joy sparks inside.
Supporting planetary purge and healing the shadow.
Lucidly teaching and reprogramming our subconscious to know we are The Architect ... and let's go!

We support the nervous system, from our micro human nervous system out to our macro cosmic energy, to find regulation and homeostasis
We heal, activate, initiate, command, open, align, play with our Human DNA and our Soul DNA
This ^^^ heals generational trauma and patterns of behavior, harmful behaviors, taking the wheel as the Operant Power
We work with our brain wave states and with our subtle bodies and with our koshas, with our unconscious, conscious, and superconscious mind
We use the astral and imaginative realms for a Tonglen type of collective support, looking at energy for both ourselves and the collective
We work with the meridians, the nadis, the chakras, the human design and gene key system - all systems of energy for the human elemental to support each one operating in it's full human genome potential
And more - if you connect with me via a consultation, we can discover how I can best support you.
A place to Tune In, Tune Up, and Connect
I believe in the power of touch, intention, and ritual. In person, I use massage and energy work to support the embodiment and expansion of the Higher Self and Soul Frequency into this earthly plane. I am the cross of the upheaval, an empathic goddess of unity consciousness, and a shamanic channel. I am able to hone in my skills to support your activation and expansion, to cultivate an atmosphere of inner strength and trust, where you can let go of tension and stress and reconnect/dive in with your innermost self.

A lot of our work can be created into an online format, and if you click on services you will discover many supports already created for you. Be that an energetic tune up, starseed support for calming the nervous system and stepping into power, returning to homeostasis, transformative shadow work, and more, we can help. You can also email Ashaya an inquiry at shaktienergyrising@gmail.com

Classes, Events, Group Work
I offer a wide range of group work - from moon circles and earth ceremony to shakti rising and reiki certifications, to spirit quests and retreats. I offer online and in person classes within the Energy Goddess and Mystery School realms; you can find them on my event page, facebook or instagram, and can always shoot me an email with questions: shaktienergyrising@gmail.com

Meet Ashaya Charlotte Marie Dietz
Soul Embodiment and Shadow Work Coach
Shamanic Channel, New Earth Children's Guide
Ashaya Dietz lives by her imagination and her heart. She loves encouraging and sparking magic in others, reminding them that they are perfect and they are love. Ashaya’s favorite places are found in nature, where she feels most at home. While exploring different environments, whether swimming in a river, sitting beneath a tree, running through a field or garden, the entire world slows down. She feels more comfortable and more filled with joy on each visit, practicing growth in mindfulness and awareness. Ashaya enjoys sharing her experience with others, while encouraging the expansion of all extrasensory abilities. She enjoys observing herself throughout each life situation for soul growth and limitless learning. Every day, we can notice more; we can grow in gratitude; we can experience joy. Above all else, Ashaya is a lover of this journey we call life.

10:00 am - 7:00 pm
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Via event or appointment
Boise, Idaho USA
And online anywhere you have the interwebs!