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Aurelia Jellyfish

Shakti Rising. Liberation Operation.

Each container offers a space for both deep descent into oneself as well as supporting the ascension process as a whole. 




A three to four month container for those looking for a space to unlock and understand their personal channel, including space for the expansion of their magickal abilities and gifts, return to soul authenticity, deep dive into Imramma (the journey of the Soul), create establishment and actualization of your Soul Frequency, awaken within your dreams and dream while you're awake.  Here ... we learn and use channeling and energywork for the support of your personal and collective reality.


Levels 1 and 2: 3 months

Levels 3 and 4: 4 months



1) Group Calls (one per week)

     *Lessons, Questions, Practice

     *Group Practice and Play

     *Alternating weeks ^

​2) One 1:1 with me per month

3) Virtual Circles based on the cosmic calendar (at least three)

4) Support group with threads for all topics and continual support

5) Class outline and Supporting Materials

6) Certifications in Reiki + Shakti Rising


7) Only for Level 3&4: In Person Spirit Quest at the end of container


Investment is only:

     *Level 1 or 2: $1,250

     *Level 3 or 4: $2,250

(payment plans and scholarships available)



*One on one first three weeks, Integration last week

*Joining group online circle containers

*Joining group support threads

*Charting: A call specific with information about your elemental

*Shakti Rising (your next level)

*In person Integration Weekend


You Choose the topics:

shakti rising/energywork, reiki, quantum healing, journeying, yoga nidra, dream re-entry, trauma release/dissolving, working with old memories, channeling questions and answers, meditative state, reading cards, drumming, subconscious reprogramming, light language, shamanic toning, dancing, chakra balancing, breathwork, yin and restorative yoga, and more



A one on one four month container of transformation.  Created for those on a healing journey who would like support to dive into their work.  We will begin by talking about your journey, process, and connection currently to your elemental channel, gifts and abilities, with an activation.  We will continue with one on ones, you get to join all group virtual circles and a support group, and we will meet up at the end for a weekend of integration. 

This container investment is $2,222

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