Shakti Rising
The Energy Goddess
Shakti Rising
Utilizing channeling (energy) and bodywork skills to help the client find and maintain homeostasis.
Service Description
Reiki and Channeling are foundational for Shakti Rising, a framework that utilize energywork to support mind body and soul. Energywork means we are working with things that can't be perceived by the human eye, including cells, systems, subconscious, brain waves, subtle bodies, etc. We are supporting homeostasis within, and we assist in the recalibration and calming of the nervous system. I will move around the body as is intuitively needed, supporting the body to activate its intelligent capacity to care for and to heal itself. These sessions combine channeling, reiki, massage, and throughout the session I will let you know offers as I see them come through, as powerfully and ultimately you are the Creator. This may include support from your team in Spirit, offering a multitude of treatments for you, maybe utilizing: the cosmic rays, the elements, quantum touch technique, sacred symbols, craniosacral therapy, light language, drumming or singing bowls, gidwork and crystal healing, and more. I am a very astral and etheric being, which means these sessions can give offers throughout many spaces of your consciousness. I am the cross of the upheaval, omniscience and liberation (in human design), making these sessions a great space for releasing what has already been worked through and illuminating what is ready to be seen. Some of Ashaya's Tools that you can ask to add into these sessions: reading cards, serving rapeh, channeling questions and answers, reiki for integrative health, dreamwork, drumming, yoga nidra, going down into the subconscious to see what is happening there, journeying, trauma release/dissolving, dream treatments, working with old memories, the dna, ancestral patterns, light language, shamanic toning, eye gazing, gridwork and working with crystals, quantum healing, shakti rising energywork, dancing/sensual movement, chakra balancing, breathwork, channeled tools+ techniques+ wisdom, yin and restorative yoga, meditation, bodywork/massage/stretching, and more. Any of these can take place during these sessions. Investment is $125 for one hour or $225 for up to two hours
Contact Details
(208) 850-9284
Walk through the carport and the front door is on the left 2607 West Jefferson Street, Boise, ID, USA